Kay and P: Issue 30, Page 27
HNNNNNG I HATE MAKING DECISIONS. — Just as a heads up, I’m moving next week! I’ll be posting two pages this week but probably none the following – we’ll see! Thank you all for being so patient; my moving schedule and a big client project ended up being slammed together in the same time period most unexpectedly, and it’s making things a lot more difficult than I planned. Hope you’re still enjoying the conclusion of Kay and P and it’s not too marred by the staggered updates. Thank you so much!
As yet another tragedy is marked in Minnesota, we must ask how police will be held accountable – and direct our attention to making sure that’s possible. I have a ton of points of action for us this week, first of all being the GoFundMe for Daunte Wright’s family. Then, following the advice of this Bustle article, you can contact the Minnesota Governor to demand inquiry; and to educate yourself at the resources in the article.
Important question. But can you really choose to not see, in a sustainable way? No, though many try. Speaking of mundanity, yay on finding a place and moving!!
Yes, but at least the people that I know who choose to not see are not concerned about sustainability. They’re concerned with not thinking they are the villains they know themselves to be.
Kay isn’t like that. As such, I feel like this is one of those times when, though she may hate like making decisions, just like her author, this isn’t actually a decision. This is just an image that her mindflayer shrink put in place to attempt to give her the impression it’s a decision.
I agree, this may still be the doctor again, finding his way into the ribcage. If it weren’t in story-space, I’d say it could be normal life-questioning. In any case – Go Kay!
You could choose to be boring, sure. I couldn’t. Never could. There’s a good reason I chose Wyrd as a screen name. You don’t have to fly your freak flag everywhere you go, and there are certainly consequences to letting yourself think about how much is really out there, but I can’t imagine sacrificing all the weirdness in my head for… well, for nothing, so far as I’m concerned. I don’t see any benefit at all in ignorance.